Comments on: Houston Beer Guide Bracket 2016 Online beer news and reviews for the city of Houston Tue, 12 Apr 2016 03:17:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Josh F. Wed, 06 Apr 2016 19:06:25 +0000 In reply to Alejandro Barrera.

Thanks for the ideas. We’ve had some of those same debates on our own. Glad to know we aren’t the only ones!

By: Alejandro Barrera Wed, 06 Apr 2016 15:40:35 +0000 Select beers that are available at that exact moment. None of those seasonal beers that we get in the fall or winter. Or categorize the beers. Imo, yellow rose is a good win. But to beat some of the great imperial stouts, bishops barrels and pumpkin stouts, idk. Can’t wrap my mind around that. Yellow rose, imo, is the best ipa in Houston.

By: Christopher Flores Sun, 03 Apr 2016 19:14:58 +0000 Not gonna lie, Yellow Rose is probably the best all around IPA in Houston. BBH is forgettable, I’d choose Buried Hatchet and Pumpkinator over it any day, Pumpkinator hurts a bit since it’s seasonal. But I think people are forgetting the point here. The best beer should be a go-to beer. And I think go-to means marketability and accessibility. Lone Pint, Buffalo Bayou, and 8th Wonder just don’t have that at this point. I know I’m gonna get some critical for this, but the best beer should be Karbach Hopadillo, mainly because it’s a decent, easily obtainable IPA, and if you don’t like IPA, you shouldn’t be voting. I can go to almost every single store and pick up a six pack of Hopadillo for any occasion, it’s my Bud Light, not that it tastes like trash, but that everyone loves it in plenties.

By: Josh F. Wed, 30 Mar 2016 22:38:33 +0000 In reply to Beth Beerwench.

There is a “pro” version of the poll website we’re using that tracks IP addresses. We thought the old saying “beer people are good people” was enough to keep someone from cheating. We’re going to pay for the “pro” account for the rest of this bracket and look at something more secure (maybe something with a captcha?) for next year.

By: Beth Beerwench Wed, 30 Mar 2016 19:04:52 +0000 For next year, what if you have to enter a (random) 5 digit code that pops up every time you log in to vote? Not sure how effective that strategy is but something to look at. Sorry the mongers ruined it for others. 🙁

By: Steve O'Puggy Mon, 28 Mar 2016 22:53:04 +0000 In reply to Josh F..

In defense of TBR – they’re the biggest game in town between Houston and Galveston. The beer is delicious and they have a huge, gorgeous taproom that’s packed several days a week. Their stuff is distributed front and center in all of the local HEBs in this area. They’ve been telling people to vote in the taproom – and that’s a TON of people.

It’s also a bit ironic that this thing started off looking like it was just going to be Karbach mass voting its way through the thing, but when they finally get knocked off by superior brews and we see that the voters are actually voting based on quality, the complaints come in.

By: Michael T Mon, 28 Mar 2016 22:13:32 +0000 In reply to Josh F..

You are right, criticizing is easy, coming with alternatives is hard. Maybe having to register (a simple ID & password) would be a better way to guarantee one vote per person per round and to deter the people that don’t actually care about the contest. I understand though how that might deter voting in general (ha, voter ID laws!). I understand there is no perfect solution.

By: Steve O'Puggy Mon, 28 Mar 2016 21:31:51 +0000 They’ve been telling people at the TBR Taproom to vote, which is where the votes came in. That taproom is packed multiple days a week, and that’s a ton of people giving support. Keep in mind – TBR is the biggest game in town between Houston and Galveston. They’ve got a huge, gorgeous taproom and not much competition. That’s good for a lot of support.

Early on, I actually assumed Karbach was going to flood the votes, because they were beating some stuff they had NO BUSINESS touching from a quality perspective, like Brash’s Pussy Wagon. But it seems like flavor is actually winning the day toward the end. This is a fantastic Round of 8. Go Yellow Rose.

By: Josh F. Mon, 28 Mar 2016 19:14:35 +0000 In reply to Michael T.

Let’s be constructive here. We’re probably going to do this next year, so what would you have us do differently?

By: Michael T Mon, 28 Mar 2016 14:28:14 +0000 In reply to Josh F..

I am not saying their beer is bad, heck it might be the best there is. But in a contest like this that basically gauges popularity I don’t see how could they possibly do so well. If the guerilla marketing story is true then it means a lot of people are voting for a beer they likely don’t know just because they are told to do so. Regardless, this contest has turned into a joke.
