Stone Brewing

  • #DrinkNow: attack your cellar

    #DrinkNow: attack your cellar

    OK, so now that you know what #DrinkNow is and you’re on-board with the idea, you need a plan of attack against that unwieldy cellar. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go read the first two posts of this series.) Here are a few things that should help you make it work: Take

  • #DrinkNow: the exceptions to the rule

    #DrinkNow: the exceptions to the rule

    After bugging you to stop aging beer and encouraging you to embrace the freshness of #DrinkNow, there’s another thing we should discuss: some beers age really well. This post is about the exceptions to the #DrinkNow rule. First things first: If you don’t know the basics for aging beer, go check out this interview with Adam