Hay Merchant

  • Is it Worth it to Stand in Line for Beer?

    Is it Worth it to Stand in Line for Beer?

    I’ve read the articles against standing in line for beer. Thrillist recently wrote one, and there’s an entire thread devoted to debating the subject on Beer Advocate, but here I sit, in my second line in a week for beer. The question you may ask is why? Do I not believe there are great beers

  • Pub-escent


    About a fortnight past – apparently while I was otherwise engrossed in National Hot Dog Day and Brash beer releases – the web was all atwitter over an unrepentant diner owner in Maine who yelled at a screaming toddler who was disrupting her restaurant. As the internet has become little more than an unfiltered stream of vitriol

  • A (very) short guide to who to follow on Houston beer Twitter

    Trying to catch up with what’s happening with beer in the Space City? Twitter is a darn good place to start. So who to follow to #PlugIn? If you’re reading this, you probably already follow everyone in the list below, but just in case… @GoodBeerHouston These guys have been at it for a number of

Houston Beer Guide

Please excuse our enthusiasm. We're not professional journalists, we're just passionate beer lovers. Our goal is to give Houston's beer community a voice. We hope you'll listen.


  • dan-beck
  • guestcontributor
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  • joe-ott
  • ronnie-risner
  • sylvia-benavidez


  • greg-shawinsky
  • sylvia-benavidez