
  • Sitta Brew Hub opens to the community near Ellington Field

    Sitta Brew Hub opens to the community near Ellington Field

    I can’t think of a better community involved in the craft beer industry than the pillar that holds it all together – the homebrew community. After a few heartbreaking closures of local homebrew shops in the South Houston area including B&S Brewers Guild, DeFalco’s Clear Lake, and more recently Hoppin’ Grape Homebrew Supply, you start

  • Brewing a passion for beer at The Grain Cellar

    Brewing a passion for beer at The Grain Cellar

    I’ve been enjoying craft beer for almost 15 years and for the last 10, I have always had an interest in learning to brew beer myself. I kept putting it off – primarily for fear of not being good at it and terrified my beer would not come out tasting right. Pushing past those thoughts,

  • Contributor Introduction: Tristin Marcks

    Contributor Introduction: Tristin Marcks

    My journey into craft beer was a bit of a winding one beginning in 2012 with some curiosity over the “fancy” beers in the coolers at my local gas station and my boredom with drinking the same old macrobrews I had been since college. Over time as I visited more craft beer bars, tap houses,

Houston Beer Guide

Please excuse our enthusiasm. We're not professional journalists, we're just passionate beer lovers. Our goal is to give Houston's beer community a voice. We hope you'll listen.


  • dan-beck
  • guestcontributor
  • jackie
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  • ronnie-risner
  • sylvia-benavidez


  • greg-shawinsky
  • sylvia-benavidez