Beers Houston Beer Month

A Crispy Lil’ Snack from 11 Below Brewing

In the hot days of August, I always find myself reaching for the crispiest of crispy beers. I have a few standbys, but I’m always looking for something new to try. I”ve seen 11 Below’s Lil’ Snack in years past, but hadn’t tried it yet so I decided to have that to start Houston Beer Month.

It pours fairly clear with a golden hay hue. The fluffy white head lingers a little bit, but not as long as I was hoping, leading me to think it will have a slightly less hoppy backbone than most craft pilsners.The aroma is bready with a hint of herbal hoppyness which leads into the malty flavor with that same herbal note on the back end.The beer leaves a little sweetness in the aftertaste, but isn’t cloying. A light and refreshing mouthfeel rounds out this beer, making that sweet aftertaste enjoyable instead of off-putting. 

I will put a little disclaimer that this is the tail end of this seasonal, with their oktoberfest hitting the market soon, so the lack of bitterness and hops was probably present when the beer was fresh. That being said, I did not find it lacking, and in fact the beer was a perfect pilsner for our hot nights, so don’t be afraid to grab it up!

Cheers and Happy Drinking!

11 Below Brewing Co – Lil’ Snack Pilsner


Josh is a Houstonian, born and raised. He loves all styles, from crispy pilsners to leathery wild ales. Follow him on Instagram at @AManandHisPint.

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