
  • Fetching Lab – A Clever Country Brewery

    Fetching Lab – A Clever Country Brewery

    Balanced. That’s the best way to describe everything about Fetching Lab Brewery in Alvin. Whether you’re referring to beer flavor, their beer lineup, where you can buy their beer, or even the dynamic between owners Brett Bray and Theresa Hutchings, everything is in perfect balance. Brett and Theresa have taken their love of homebrewing to

  • History is Being Brewed in Downtown Alvin

    History is Being Brewed in Downtown Alvin

    There’s been a lot of talk in the Houston beer community about how the “solution to our problems” will be neighborhood-focused breweries. Houston’s urban sprawl makes it unlikely that we will duplicate the brewery-every-mile format of more developed beer cities, but that also makes it the perfect environment to have a brewery (or two or three)

Houston Beer Guide

Please excuse our enthusiasm. We're not professional journalists, we're just passionate beer lovers. Our goal is to give Houston's beer community a voice. We hope you'll listen.


  • dan-beck
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  • jackie
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  • ronnie-risner
  • sylvia-benavidez


  • greg-shawinsky
  • sylvia-benavidez