Jester King Brewing

  • Is it Worth it to Stand in Line for Beer?

    Is it Worth it to Stand in Line for Beer?

    I’ve read the articles against standing in line for beer. Thrillist recently wrote one, and there’s an entire thread devoted to debating the subject on Beer Advocate, but here I sit, in my second line in a week for beer. The question you may ask is why? Do I not believe there are great beers

  • #DrinkNow: why you should stop aging beer

    #DrinkNow: why you should stop aging beer

    Right now, in your pantry/closet/beer fridge/storage unit, a beer is getting worse. Don’t feel too bad; it’s not (entirely) your fault. But if you’re anything like most craft drinkers I know — and you’re reading this site, so you probably are — then you’re currently the proud owner of beer that is way past its

  • Untapped Festival 2015 – All the beer. All the music. All the sweat.

    I guess third time’s a charm: after being plagued by weather problems the past two years, 2015’s Untapped Festival was a perfectly sunny sweat-drencher. The weather wasn’t the only thing Untapped got right this year: from beer selection to musical talent, this year’s line-up did Houston proud. I got there a little later than I

  • My first 5 stops at Untapped Houston

    My first 5 stops at Untapped Houston

    Untapped Houston is this Saturday at Discovery Green, and you’re obviously going. You’re not? Oh. Well, you really should. It’s Houston’s best annual craft beer festival by far, and also doubles as a pretty cool music fest too. Plus, the weather is supposed to be awesome. So, yeah. You should buy tickets. Go. I’ll wait.

  • Are You Prepared for the Flood?

    Are You Prepared for the Flood?

    When I think about what inspires me, regarding the future of craft beer in Houston and throughout Texas, I look toward the innovators. The forward thinkers. The entrepreneurs. I am intrigued by those who choose to blend passion, good taste, and a unique vision to change the way we think about the beverages we love

Houston Beer Guide

Please excuse our enthusiasm. We're not professional journalists, we're just passionate beer lovers. Our goal is to give Houston's beer community a voice. We hope you'll listen.


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  • sylvia-benavidez