Running Walker Brewery

  • Ooky Spooky : An Imperial Stout from Running Walker

    Ooky Spooky : An Imperial Stout from Running Walker

    Happy Halloween! With a name like Ooky Spooky, this beer will give you the chills. Running Walker Beer has put together a great beer that you should be drinking on this Halloween night. Ooky Spooky is an Imperial Stout with dark chocolate, cinnamon, and pumpkin. The nose alone should be a candle and I’d light

  • Houston Beer Guide Bracket 2017

    Houston Beer Guide Bracket 2017

    Contributions by Nathan Miller, Jose Luis Cubria, Kenneth Krampota, Josh Frink and HBG Staff (Click here to for a zoomable version) Yo that IPA Region is stacked! Mostly Harmless got screwed, though. Pumpkinator vs. Rocket Fuel in the Sweet 16 is gonna be brutal. I’ve got EZ7 as my Cinderella. Think Yellow Rose can win it all

  • New Beer Cans and Bottles All Over Houston

    New Beer Cans and Bottles All Over Houston

    Only a few years back, the only beer you could find packaged from Houston breweries was a handful of bottles able to fit into a small corner at a beer department. Today, cans, bottles, and even prepackaged growlers from Houston breweries provide enough options to fill entire aisles. I got a chance to catch up

  • Dog Will Hunt – Running Walker Brewery

    Dog Will Hunt – Running Walker Brewery

    Just down FM 359 from Texian Brewing in Richmond, Running Walker is laying the chips to become a major player in the Houston area craft beer scene. A few of their beers are starting to show up in accounts around town, and they have much bigger plans in the upcoming months. Fellow Houston Beer Guide

Houston Beer Guide

Please excuse our enthusiasm. We're not professional journalists, we're just passionate beer lovers. Our goal is to give Houston's beer community a voice. We hope you'll listen.


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