8th Wonder February Giveaway!
8th Wonder draws their inspiration from this great city, whether it be Hakeem and his Dream Shake, NASA’s Mission Control, or local store Premium Goods. Even their name came from walking into the warehouse that is now their home and saying, “Hey, this roof looks like the Astrodome.”
They’ve given us a bunch of stuff to give away to you on Twitter. Send us a photo of what in this great city inspires you (or of your favorite 8th Wonder swag) Who knows, maybe you’ll inspire them to brew a new beer.
Giveaway Bundles:
Grand Prize:
A red 8th Wonder T-Shirt and 2 tour passes (each redeemable for 1 pint glass and 3 fills at the brewery).

One 1st Runner-up:
Two tour passes (each redeemable for 1 pint glass and 3 fills at the brewery).

Two 2nd Runners-up:
Two pint glasses (each).

How to Enter:
Follow us on Twitter at @HoustonBeer
Tweet a photo of what in this great city inspires you (or your favorite 8th Wonder swag), with a caption explaining why.
Tag @8thWonderBrew in your tweet.
Use #HoustonBeer in your tweet.
The Grand Prize winner will be the best photo and caption entry, selected by the Houston Beer Guide staff. The 3 Runner-up prizes will be selected at random.
Fine Print:
No purchase necessary. Entries must be submitted from a non-private account on Twitter. (If we can’t see it, it doesn’t count.)
Entries and entrants must meet all 4 requirements above to be eligible.
Winners will be notified by Direct Message on Twitter.
This contest (and this blog) is only for those ages 21 and up.
Delivery of the giveaway bundles will be in person, so you must live in or near Houston to be eligible to win.