• Good Beer, Great Cause – Back Pew Brews up Kolsch to Benefit Addi’s Faith

    Good Beer, Great Cause – Back Pew Brews up Kolsch to Benefit Addi’s Faith

    Supporting local charities, non-profits and social causes have always been a big part of the vibrant Houston craft brewing scene. As local breweries have started operations across the Houston area, a part of stitching themselves into the fabric of their local communities has been supporting causes Houstonians care about. Houston craft beer people have demonstrated

  • D&T Drive Inn Is Moving in a New Direction

    D&T Drive Inn Is Moving in a New Direction

    Under new management, D&T Drive Inn on Enid near Cavalcade in north Houston has made a number of changes since an apparent ownership shift in early March. After a 2017 filled with controversy for the Treadsack group, D&T remained as one of the three entities in the company’s portfolio, alongside Down House & Johnny’s Gold

  • 8th Wonder Weisstheimer – a German Hefeweizen Great for Summer

    8th Wonder Weisstheimer – a German Hefeweizen Great for Summer

    To me, hefeweizen is a quintessential summer beer. One of my favorite beer memories is sitting outside on a warm June afternoon at the vast Paulaner biergarten just outside Munich, my hand wrapped around a chilly tall glass of their signature hefeweizen with a slice of fresh lemon on the rim. This memory  has become

  • On demand craft beer? Not yet.

    On demand craft beer? Not yet.

    If you’re like me, you pay close attention to the latest announcement of some or another company joining in on the push to expand the ‘on demand economy’ into beer, wine and liquor. A confluence of circumstances recently has had me doing more than just watching press releases to using the services. I’ve used a

  • D&T Drive Inn Celebrates 4 Years

    D&T Drive Inn Celebrates 4 Years

    When I moved to the Brooke Smith neighborhood in Greater Heights in 2016, I happily adopted D&T Drive Inn at 1307 Enid as my new local, as I had enjoyed the place many times as an out-of-neighborhood visitor since they opened in 2013, given its convenient location just off I-45 at Cavalcade. Fast forward to

  • Exclusive peek into Winter Stout’s retirement bash

    Exclusive peek into Winter Stout’s retirement bash

    Houston Beer Guide managed to get an exclusive invite to the retirement of one of Houston’s greats, a beer that may be departing for now, but will live forever in our hearts. Here’s a transcript of the event: <Lawnmower taps on a pint glass> “Can I get everyone’s attention for just a few moments? Thank

  • Open The Taps needs your help!

    Open The Taps needs your help!

    Open The Taps was founded just over 5 years ago with a straightforward mission: bettering the environment in Texas for craft beer enthusiasts. We created the organization under a few key principles. First, that we would zealously act in the interest of Texas craft beer consumers, adding their voice to the conversation traditionally dominated by

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Houston Beer Guide

Please excuse our enthusiasm. We're not professional journalists, we're just passionate beer lovers. Our goal is to give Houston's beer community a voice. We hope you'll listen.


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  • sylvia-benavidez