Houston Beer Month

Hyper Light – Simple and Satisfying

Do you even drink beer, bro?

With the amount of new beer and extraordinary flavors and styles out on the market now, I has dawned on me that many beer fans have forgotten about how beer actually tastes. Yes, that’s right. Just regular beer. The beers that our fathers drank. The beers that their fathers drank. As craft beer fanatics, we often forget how complex and difficult it is to brew a traditional style beer such as a light lager with no flaws and all thrills. And for that reason, I am so grateful for Hyper Light.

Cold pour of Hyper Light

Back Pew Brewing in Porter Texas is no stranger to keep it traditional and they didn’t cut any corners with the release of Hyper Light, an american light lager. I always considered beers like blondes and pilsners to be great entry level craft beers but always tend to forget about the American light lager category. Hyper Light carries that subtle malt sweetness that most domestic beer drinkers are familiar with. Crisp grassy notes with hints of breadiness – so delicious. This beer is highly carbonated giving it that amazing crisp refreshing finish. Coming in at 4.2%, 2.6 grams of carbs and 95 calories, this truly is a beer you can drink all day with no regrets.

The next time you have visitors over, put aside your hype beers and swap out that case of M. Ultra for a 12 pack of Hyper Light instead. Not only are you supporting a local Houston area brewery but you are helping introduce a non craft beer drinker to flavor that matters. If that doesn’t get you motivated, a portion of every purchase of Hyper Light goes to supporting our veterans through the Texas VFW Foundation.

Drink up Houston! Cheers!

12 pack case of Hyper Light – Available at your local grocery store


A native Tejana with a passion for double IPAs, she loves immersing herself in bluegrass music and spreading hippie love and Southern hospitality. When she's not enjoying tunes, she’s the voice behind the podcast "Draught Queens," where she offers unfiltered beer sensory tastings and industry interviews.

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