Flying Saucer

  • Houston Beer Events – July 2017

    Houston Beer Events – July 2017

    Each month we chronicle the beer drinking events around town. This post will be updated as events are announced, so be sure to come back weekly to see what’s happening around town. If you’d like to have your event included, send an email to with the subject line “July Event Calendar.” Please include the

  • Flying Saucer Downtown Ending Glass Night

    Flying Saucer Downtown Ending Glass Night

    There has been some talk and a bit of grumbling among the Houston Beer Knurd community with the Flying Saucer’s decision to end their glass night at their downtown location. Manager Joshua Justice reached out to Houston Beer Guide to offer some information about the decision. Kenneth Krampota: Why did you decide to cancel the glass

  • Have Your Cookie and Drink It, Too

    Have Your Cookie and Drink It, Too

    Forget cookies and milk — cookies and beer is where it’s at. As craft beer has become more popular, interest in beer and food pairing has increased. Some of the most creative pairings involve a favorite American treat: Girl Scout cookies. As articles of Girl Scout cookie pairings spread across social media, Ballast Point Brewing

  • Flying Saucer’s Gose Tasting
    Beer Festivals

    Flying Saucer’s Gose Tasting

    Ever since my first taste of Bayerischer Bahnhof’s Leipziger Gose, I’ve absolutely loved the gose style of beer. The mingling of salt and coriander with a sour wheat base is interesting and delicious, and the low alcoholic content is a perfect touch allowing extra enjoyment of more goses. So when I heard that the Flying

  • A (very) short guide to who to follow on Houston beer Twitter

    Trying to catch up with what’s happening with beer in the Space City? Twitter is a darn good place to start. So who to follow to #PlugIn? If you’re reading this, you probably already follow everyone in the list below, but just in case… @GoodBeerHouston These guys have been at it for a number of

  • Houston Beer Week 2015

    Houston Beer Week 2015

    Houston Beer Week is here! What a glorious way for the populace of Houston to celebrate the launch of this soon-to-be-acclaimed Houston Beer Guide! Yes, Houston Beer Week is here, led by a wonderful group of hard working volunteers (they’re mighty good looking too), through whose efforts HBW is not only back after missing a

  • My Craft Beer Journey – Joey Williams

    My Craft Beer Journey – Joey Williams

    I think the best place to start with my writing here on Houston Beer Guide is by introducing myself and give any possible reason you might need to read through all of the opinions and nonsense I will, undoubtedly, be slinging your way through this site. First things first, I’m nothing new or unique in the world

Houston Beer Guide

Please excuse our enthusiasm. We're not professional journalists, we're just passionate beer lovers. Our goal is to give Houston's beer community a voice. We hope you'll listen.


  • dan-beck
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  • ronnie-risner
  • sylvia-benavidez


  • greg-shawinsky
  • sylvia-benavidez