Karbach Brewing

  • New Year’s Resolution: Drink (Somewhat) Healthier Beer!

    New Year’s Resolution: Drink (Somewhat) Healthier Beer!

    We’ve officially reached the beginning of a new calendar year which means it’s time to reflect and aspire to a better 12 months than the previous. Beware of all your friends on social media with that unoriginal “new year, new me”, though. Most of us want to make improvements in things such as relationships, career,

  • Favorite Beers 2015

    Favorite Beers 2015

    We asked our writers to send in a few sentences about their favorite beers of the year. We asked them for a favorite local beer and a favorite out-of-town beer. Some of these have been around for years and some aren’t available in Houston. This isn’t meant to be a “best of 2015” article; it’s just

  • 2015 Pumpkin Beer Roundup

    2015 Pumpkin Beer Roundup

    Forget kettle sour debates, mega-corporate buyout concerns, or any the other arguments beer nerds love to quarrel over. Nothing is as divisive in the beer world as the word “pumpkin.” A word that, for certain people, brings to the surface the most vile and powerful animosity imaginable. The kind typically stored deep in the underworld

  • GABF Wrap-Up: How did Houston fare?
    Beer Festivals

    GABF Wrap-Up: How did Houston fare?

    After an incredible week in Denver for my third Great American Beer Festival trip, I’m currently in my traditional week of complete sobriety, chugging iced tea and enjoying all the wonders of a life without beer. And the only downside is I really want to try the Saint Arnold Bishop’s Barrel 11, which hopefully will

  • My first 5 stops at Untapped Houston

    My first 5 stops at Untapped Houston

    Untapped Houston is this Saturday at Discovery Green, and you’re obviously going. You’re not? Oh. Well, you really should. It’s Houston’s best annual craft beer festival by far, and also doubles as a pretty cool music fest too. Plus, the weather is supposed to be awesome. So, yeah. You should buy tickets. Go. I’ll wait.

  • Karbach Staycation

    Karbach Staycation

    Gone are the sweaters and hoodies and henleys, out are the vented shirts and pearl snaps and guayaberas. It’s been a wet spring in Houston, but when the rains leave the moisture stays, and the humidity has descended like a biodome over our fair burg. With the peacoats go the porters, with the scarves the stouts.

  • Rye Fidelity

    Rye Fidelity

    Kids today have never known a world without iPods (get off my lawn!), but anyone of legal drinking age remembers that transporting a library of music was once an onerous task involving boxes of albums or casettes, binders full of CDs. Much as the Kindle has done to bookstores and libraries, the digital age has

  • Houston Beer Week 2015

    Houston Beer Week 2015

    Houston Beer Week is here! What a glorious way for the populace of Houston to celebrate the launch of this soon-to-be-acclaimed Houston Beer Guide! Yes, Houston Beer Week is here, led by a wonderful group of hard working volunteers (they’re mighty good looking too), through whose efforts HBW is not only back after missing a

  • Houston’s Ideal Beer is the Saison

    Houston’s Ideal Beer is the Saison

    What if I told you there was a style designed to be refreshing after a hard days work on a hot summers day? It is loaded with fruity flavors that can range from citrus to baked pear, but it is not a “fruit beer”. A moderate spiciness balances out the fruitiness, bringing to mind a

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Houston Beer Guide

Please excuse our enthusiasm. We're not professional journalists, we're just passionate beer lovers. Our goal is to give Houston's beer community a voice. We hope you'll listen.


  • dan-beck
  • guestcontributor
  • jackie
  • joe-ott
  • ronnie-risner
  • sylvia-benavidez


  • greg-shawinsky
  • sylvia-benavidez