Saint Arnold Brewing

  • Saint Arnold: 30 Years of Great Beer and Community Impact

    Saint Arnold: 30 Years of Great Beer and Community Impact

    The story has been well documented since June of 1994, when Rice graduates Kevin Bartol and Brock Wagner officially shipped the first kegs of Saint Arnold Amber into the world. Houston’s first microbrewery opened with little, if any, fanfare. Of course, this story would not be so well chronicled if Saint Arnold had, like many

  • Texas Craft Brewers Cup Awards 2024

    Texas Craft Brewers Cup Awards 2024

    Congrats to all the Houston area breweries that took home shiny new awards this year at the Texas Craft Brewers Guild Awards in Austin Texas. Big congrats to True Anomaly Brewing Company for taking home the big one – the 2024 Brewery of the Year award. Cheers to brewing great beer! See the full list

  • Saint Arnold’s Summer Pils and Chill

    Saint Arnold’s Summer Pils and Chill

    Did you know that Saint Arnold Brewing Company original Summer Pils recipe debuted June 1997 as their first lager recipe? Groovy. It’s original name was Summerfest but according to Saint Arnold’s website, they got hung up with legal challenges against Sierra Nevada over the name. Ultimately, the breweries worked out a deal involving covering the

  • Fancy Lawnmowers and Love

    Fancy Lawnmowers and Love

    If we’ve ever spoken about life defining events it’s likely that you’ve heard this story. Back in 1999, I was taking a beverage class at San Jacinto College Central in Pasadena. Part of the curriculum was a field trip to a then mostly unknown little brewery called Saint Arnold. It was my first exposure to

  • Great American Beer Festival – Houston Recap
    Beer Festivals

    Great American Beer Festival – Houston Recap

    The Great American Beer Festival is the largest beer festival in the United States. 2,404 breweries entered beers into the competition portion, and 8,864 beers were judged. Outside of the competition, the entire Colorado Convention Center is filled with hundreds of breweries pouring thousands of beers. As a first time attendee, it was a bit

  • Our Favorite Beers of 2017

    Our Favorite Beers of 2017

    Year in Review 2017 was a transformative year for craft beer in Houston. We saw the rise of the NEIPA (thanks in large part to Larry’s “Who will be Houston’s Tree House or Trillium?” essay) with 8th Wonder, 11 Below, B-52, Baa Baa, Copperhead, No Label, Spindletap, Texian, Whole Foods Market, and others trying their