Buffalo Bayou Brewing

  • Great American Beer Festival – Houston Recap
    Beer Festivals

    Great American Beer Festival – Houston Recap

    The Great American Beer Festival is the largest beer festival in the United States. 2,404 breweries entered beers into the competition portion, and 8,864 beers were judged. Outside of the competition, the entire Colorado Convention Center is filled with hundreds of breweries pouring thousands of beers. As a first time attendee, it was a bit

  • Houston Beer Guide Bracket 2017

    Houston Beer Guide Bracket 2017

    Contributions by Nathan Miller, Jose Luis Cubria, Kenneth Krampota, Josh Frink and HBG Staff (Click here to for a zoomable version) Yo that IPA Region is stacked! Mostly Harmless got screwed, though. Pumpkinator vs. Rocket Fuel in the Sweet 16 is gonna be brutal. I’ve got EZ7 as my Cinderella. Think Yellow Rose can win it all

  • Houston Firkin Fest – Preview
    Beer Festivals

    Houston Firkin Fest – Preview

    The third annual Houston Firkin Fest will be held on April 30 at Hennessey Park next to Saint Arnold brewery. So, what exactly is a firkin? According to Webster Dictionary a firkin is, “a small cask used chiefly for liquids, butter, or fish.” It is also a specific size holding 72 imperial pints or 10.79

  • Houston Beer Guide Bracket 2016

    Houston Beer Guide Bracket 2016

    It’s March! For college sports fans, it’s time for basketball, beers, and brackets. This year, while Houston hosts much of the basketball action, Houston Beer Guide asks you to fill out a different type of bracket: Houston beers! Using the same methodology as the Beer Ranking posts, the seeds below are based on the top

  • New Year’s Resolution: Drink (Somewhat) Healthier Beer!

    New Year’s Resolution: Drink (Somewhat) Healthier Beer!

    We’ve officially reached the beginning of a new calendar year which means it’s time to reflect and aspire to a better 12 months than the previous. Beware of all your friends on social media with that unoriginal “new year, new me”, though. Most of us want to make improvements in things such as relationships, career,

  • The Most Houston Beer Ever?

    The Most Houston Beer Ever?

    Being a craft beer fan in the Lone Star State, particularly Houston, is much different than other locations. We’re not intensely known for a style of IPA (yet), we don’t have very cold winters so we’re not huge stout drinkers, and our state regulations on beer are more strict than many others. But I think

Houston Beer Guide

Please excuse our enthusiasm. We're not professional journalists, we're just passionate beer lovers. Our goal is to give Houston's beer community a voice. We hope you'll listen.


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  • sylvia-benavidez