Houston Beer Month

  • Hyper Light – Simple and Satisfying
    Houston Beer Month

    Hyper Light – Simple and Satisfying

    Do you even drink beer, bro? With the amount of new beer and extraordinary flavors and styles out on the market now, I has dawned on me that many beer fans have forgotten about how beer actually tastes. Yes, that’s right. Just regular beer. The beers that our fathers drank. The beers that their fathers

  • Introducing Shoot the Moon
    Houston Beer Month

    Introducing Shoot the Moon

    If you run in local craft beer circles on the social medias – which I assume you do if you’ve found this group – then you’ve no doubt heard about the recently opened Shoot the Moon located in the recently redeveloped Spring Branch Village shopping center at 8155 Long Point Road.  Although having just barely

  • A Crispy Lil’ Snack from 11 Below Brewing

    A Crispy Lil’ Snack from 11 Below Brewing

    In the hot days of August, I always find myself reaching for the crispiest of crispy beers. I have a few standbys, but I’m always looking for something new to try. I”ve seen 11 Below’s Lil’ Snack in years past, but hadn’t tried it yet so I decided to have that to start Houston Beer

  • Celebrating Houston Beer Month in August
    Houston Beer Month

    Celebrating Houston Beer Month in August

    August is Houston Beer Month.  Yeah….we just made it up. Isn’t that how all great ideas are started anyways? In fact, this project is so new that we don’t even have an official logo finalized yet!  But those things will come later, much later!   So why are we doing this? In deemed craft beer cities