8th Wonder Brewery

  • Brewery Hopping in Houston’s East End

    Brewery Hopping in Houston’s East End

    #HoustonBeerMonth Guest Submission from Cole Wehner  Houston’s breweries are as widespread as it’s never-ending freeway system but there are a few spots in town where you can easily do a traditional “bar-hop” between breweries!  One of our favorite brewery-hops, not only because we live down the street, is in the East End (for these purposes

  • Great American Beer Festival – Houston Recap
    Beer Festivals

    Great American Beer Festival – Houston Recap

    The Great American Beer Festival is the largest beer festival in the United States. 2,404 breweries entered beers into the competition portion, and 8,864 beers were judged. Outside of the competition, the entire Colorado Convention Center is filled with hundreds of breweries pouring thousands of beers. As a first time attendee, it was a bit

  • What are HOU drinking? – July 2017

    What are HOU drinking? – July 2017

    When the Allen brothers named this city after the foremost Texas hero, they fated that Houston would be a city with a “personality” as big as his. So it should come as no surprise the big Texas spirit and big Texas taste is present in Houston’s beer scene. To celebrate beverages that would make The

  • 8th Wonder Weisstheimer – a German Hefeweizen Great for Summer

    8th Wonder Weisstheimer – a German Hefeweizen Great for Summer

    To me, hefeweizen is a quintessential summer beer. One of my favorite beer memories is sitting outside on a warm June afternoon at the vast Paulaner biergarten just outside Munich, my hand wrapped around a chilly tall glass of their signature hefeweizen with a slice of fresh lemon on the rim. This memory  has become

  • Houston Embraces the Haze Craze

    Houston Embraces the Haze Craze

    With the six-month anniversary of my challenge to local breweries to start brewing the hottest beer style in the country — the New England-Style IPA (NEIPA) — rapidly approaching, now seemed like as apt a time as any to check in and see where things stand, especially in light of the unexpectedly impressive amount of style-related

  • Houston Beer Events – July 2017

    Houston Beer Events – July 2017

    Each month we chronicle the beer drinking events around town. This post will be updated as events are announced, so be sure to come back weekly to see what’s happening around town. If you’d like to have your event included, send an email to info@houstonbeerguide.com with the subject line “July Event Calendar.” Please include the

Houston Beer Guide

Please excuse our enthusiasm. We're not professional journalists, we're just passionate beer lovers. Our goal is to give Houston's beer community a voice. We hope you'll listen.


  • dan-beck
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  • jackie
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  • ronnie-risner
  • sylvia-benavidez


  • greg-shawinsky
  • sylvia-benavidez