
  • 8th Wonder 3rd Anniversary Celebr8ion

    8th Wonder 3rd Anniversary Celebr8ion

    Last month, 8th Wonder Brewery commemorated  their third anniversary with an all-day “Celebr8ion of Beer.” Fellow Houston Beer Guide writer Colleen Leary and I were able to attend the festivities and capture some of the musical acts, food trucks, vendors, and revelers in action. Both Colleen and I enjoyed Haterade. Colleen opined, “The Gose style was

  • BAKFISH Brewing Company

    BAKFISH Brewing Company

    Over the last few years, there has been a lot of growth in the number of breweries in the Houston area. Unfortunately for this Friendswood dweller, the majority of that growth has not touched the Southeast side of town. Brian Allen and Kris Szecsy took notice of this and intentionally found a location for their brewery on

  • Saloon Door Brewing Preview

    Saloon Door Brewing Preview

    The West Coast vibe of Saloon Door Brewery isn’t obvious when you walk through the doors: cedar planks cover the lower half of the walls, vintage chairs surround the tables, and even the name evokes a distinctly Texas feel. But when you talk to the crew responsible for the idea and execution of getting this

  • Sinners & Saints Unite:  Back Pew Brewing Is Opening!

    Sinners & Saints Unite: Back Pew Brewing Is Opening!

    If you’ve visited Houston bars serving craft beer in the past few months, chances are that you’ve noticed, or better yet tried, one of Back Pew Brewing’s new offerings. They’re now on tap at 40 local establishments, with more on the way. What you haven’t been able to do, though, is visit their brewery. That

  • Divine Reserve 16 Release

    Divine Reserve 16 Release

    It’s time for another great release from Saint Arnold Brewing Company: Divine Reserve 16. Divine Reserve 16 (DR 16) is not the typical German-style beer from Saint Arnold; this one is unique, and the first Adambier the brewery has created.   If you’re like me, you might be wondering: “What is an Adambier?” According to the

  • Fetching Lab – A Clever Country Brewery

    Fetching Lab – A Clever Country Brewery

    Balanced. That’s the best way to describe everything about Fetching Lab Brewery in Alvin. Whether you’re referring to beer flavor, their beer lineup, where you can buy their beer, or even the dynamic between owners Brett Bray and Theresa Hutchings, everything is in perfect balance. Brett and Theresa have taken their love of homebrewing to

  • 2016: The Rise of Southern Star

    2016: The Rise of Southern Star

      New beers, new taproom, and a bigger brewhouse: 2016 is going to be a big year for Southern Star Brewing. Already this year, the Conroe brewery has moved and expanded, adding more brewing capacity at its new location a few miles from its original home. A new indoor taproom opens this week (Friday, Feb.

  • Brash Brewing to Leave Flood Distribution for Ben E. Keith

    Brash Brewing to Leave Flood Distribution for Ben E. Keith

    Houston’s Brash Brewing Company is leaving Flood Distribution for Ben E. Keith. Flood’s Kyle White confirmed the departure and stated, “We wish them well in the future.” Full statement below. If you ask any Houston beer nerd for the most exciting developments in recent months, you’ll likely hear an answer that includes mention of Brash

  • You Should Be Drinking Texas Beer Refinery

    You Should Be Drinking Texas Beer Refinery

    I’m gonna cut straight to the chase: Texas Beer Refinery is producing incredible beers that more people need to drink. Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, allow me to remind you that I love goses. I think they are tasty, I think they are refreshing, and I think you could make a pretty

  • Southern Star Black Crack Release Party

    It takes a lot to get me to drive outside the loop, and as Google maps poorly directed me onto a path that took me on the beltway for my hour journey north, I thought to myself, “this had better be worth it.” Luckily, the Southern Star Black Crack release party justified the trek. Having

Houston Beer Guide

Please excuse our enthusiasm. We're not professional journalists, we're just passionate beer lovers. Our goal is to give Houston's beer community a voice. We hope you'll listen.


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