
  • What to Expect When You’re Expecting Not to Drink

    What to Expect When You’re Expecting Not to Drink

    What better way to start off a new gig than by not doing the thing you were hired to do? Well, here we are, with my first submission for Houston Beer Guide being of some non-beers as I’m in the midst of my decision to take part in Dry January. Which I have to admit

  • Goodbye 2020 – Hello 2021!

    Goodbye 2020 – Hello 2021!

    Greetings Houston!  I’m proud to announce that Houston Beer Guide is making a triumphant return in January with new contributors, ready to document and share Houston’s finest craft beers, exploding beer culture and expanding beer scene.  We aren’t real professional journalists, just passionate beer lovers that want to give Houston’s beer community a voice. We

  • What are HOU drinking? – July 2017

    What are HOU drinking? – July 2017

    When the Allen brothers named this city after the foremost Texas hero, they fated that Houston would be a city with a “personality” as big as his. So it should come as no surprise the big Texas spirit and big Texas taste is present in Houston’s beer scene. To celebrate beverages that would make The

  • What are HOU drinking? – June 2017

    What are HOU drinking? – June 2017

    When the Allen brothers named this city after the foremost Texas hero, they fated that Houston would be a city with a “personality” as big as his. So it should come as no surprise the big Texas spirit and big Texas taste is present in Houston’s beer scene. To celebrate beverages that would make The

  • On demand craft beer? Not yet.

    On demand craft beer? Not yet.

    If you’re like me, you pay close attention to the latest announcement of some or another company joining in on the push to expand the ‘on demand economy’ into beer, wine and liquor. A confluence of circumstances recently has had me doing more than just watching press releases to using the services. I’ve used a

  • 5 Breweries Put Their Twist on Saint Arnold Classics

    5 Breweries Put Their Twist on Saint Arnold Classics

    Saint Arnold Brewing Company is the oldest craft brewery in Texas, but that title doesn’t do justice to the impact they’ve had on the landscape of beer in Houston. I think calling them “The Godfather of Houston Beer” is a more appropriate title. Over the last 23 years, brewers and staff from Saint Arnold have

  • Editorial: Ken Goodman doesn’t look good in wool (HB3287)

    Editorial: Ken Goodman doesn’t look good in wool (HB3287)

    Note: this post represents the sole opinion of me, Nathan Miller, and does not reflect an endorsement on behalf of Houston Beer Guide. From time to time, we will run editorial/opinion pieces when we feel a need. These are not “news,” nor “reviews,” nor are they endorsed posts, other than by the person who writes

  • These Are the Beer Bills That Could Impact Texas Breweries

    These Are the Beer Bills That Could Impact Texas Breweries

    Special thanks to Isaiah Warner for his help collecting this list of bills that could impact the Texas beer industry and for his help explaining the legislative process in Texas. Update 4/17/17: When this list was originally compiled, sister bills HB 3287/SB 2083 had not been submitted. These distributor-funded bills, which restrict the ability of

Houston Beer Guide

Please excuse our enthusiasm. We're not professional journalists, we're just passionate beer lovers. Our goal is to give Houston's beer community a voice. We hope you'll listen.


  • dan-beck
  • guestcontributor
  • jackie
  • joe-ott
  • ronnie-risner
  • sylvia-benavidez


  • greg-shawinsky
  • sylvia-benavidez