latest articles

  • #DrinkNow: the exceptions to the rule

    #DrinkNow: the exceptions to the rule

    After bugging you to stop aging beer and encouraging you to embrace the freshness of #DrinkNow, there’s another thing we should discuss: some beers age really well. This post is about the exceptions to the #DrinkNow rule. First things first: If you don’t know the basics for aging beer, go check out this interview with Adam

  • Mongoose versus Cobra has the best flights in Houston

    Mongoose versus Cobra has the best flights in Houston

    Back in August, I asked, “Where are Houston’s flights?” Since then, many breweries have begun offering flights, and slowly, my vision for a small-drink Houston brewery scene is coming true. At the same time, a few bars have begun offering flights, including what is probably the greatest flight program in Houston at Mongoose versus Cobra

  • New Year’s Resolution: Drink (Somewhat) Healthier Beer!

    New Year’s Resolution: Drink (Somewhat) Healthier Beer!

    We’ve officially reached the beginning of a new calendar year which means it’s time to reflect and aspire to a better 12 months than the previous. Beware of all your friends on social media with that unoriginal “new year, new me”, though. Most of us want to make improvements in things such as relationships, career,

  • #DrinkNow: why you should stop aging beer

    #DrinkNow: why you should stop aging beer

    Right now, in your pantry/closet/beer fridge/storage unit, a beer is getting worse. Don’t feel too bad; it’s not (entirely) your fault. But if you’re anything like most craft drinkers I know — and you’re reading this site, so you probably are — then you’re currently the proud owner of beer that is way past its

  • 8th Wonder February Giveaway!
    Free Stuff

    8th Wonder February Giveaway!

    8th Wonder draws their inspiration from this great city, whether it be Hakeem and his Dream Shake, NASA’s Mission Control, or local store Premium Goods. Even their name came from walking into the warehouse that is now their home and saying, “Hey, this roof looks like the Astrodome.” They’ve given us a bunch of stuff to give

  • #3FIT


    As I reflect on the recent news that the total number of breweries in the United States has reached an all-time high, I find myself thinking more and more about my beer buying habits. I’ve always been the type of craft beer drinker who wanted to try every beer from every brewery. With the knowledge that there

  • Favorite Beers 2015

    Favorite Beers 2015

    We asked our writers to send in a few sentences about their favorite beers of the year. We asked them for a favorite local beer and a favorite out-of-town beer. Some of these have been around for years and some aren’t available in Houston. This isn’t meant to be a “best of 2015” article; it’s just

  • Flying Saucer’s Gose Tasting
    Beer Festivals

    Flying Saucer’s Gose Tasting

    Ever since my first taste of Bayerischer Bahnhof’s Leipziger Gose, I’ve absolutely loved the gose style of beer. The mingling of salt and coriander with a sour wheat base is interesting and delicious, and the low alcoholic content is a perfect touch allowing extra enjoyment of more goses. So when I heard that the Flying

  • Southern Star Black Crack Release Party

    It takes a lot to get me to drive outside the loop, and as Google maps poorly directed me onto a path that took me on the beltway for my hour journey north, I thought to myself, “this had better be worth it.” Luckily, the Southern Star Black Crack release party justified the trek. Having

  • Top-Rated Beers & Breweries in Houston: November 2015

    Top-Rated Beers & Breweries in Houston: November 2015

    Every quarter, Brew York New York compiles a list of the top-rated beers and breweries in NYC, using data found on Untappd. Last August, I did the same exercise for Houston, and as promised, here’s the quarterly update for November! A quick reminder of the methodology: To make this list, I started with all Houston-area