latest articles

  • Ooky Spooky : An Imperial Stout from Running Walker

    Ooky Spooky : An Imperial Stout from Running Walker

    Happy Halloween! With a name like Ooky Spooky, this beer will give you the chills. Running Walker Beer has put together a great beer that you should be drinking on this Halloween night. Ooky Spooky is an Imperial Stout with dark chocolate, cinnamon, and pumpkin. The nose alone should be a candle and I’d light

  • Sitta Brew Hub opens to the community near Ellington Field

    Sitta Brew Hub opens to the community near Ellington Field

    I can’t think of a better community involved in the craft beer industry than the pillar that holds it all together – the homebrew community. After a few heartbreaking closures of local homebrew shops in the South Houston area including B&S Brewers Guild, DeFalco’s Clear Lake, and more recently Hoppin’ Grape Homebrew Supply, you start

  • Prost! Where to celebrate Oktoberfest ’22
    Beer Festivals

    Prost! Where to celebrate Oktoberfest ’22

    Tell me I am not the only one that think Oktoberfest is the best beer drinking season of them all? The weather starts cooling down, the german biers are busy fermenting and the bratwurst are piping hot. And yes, let’s not forget about the pretzels. Nothing soaks up that beer buzz better than a salted

  • Out of this world micheladas w/Space City Snax

    Out of this world micheladas w/Space City Snax

    When life gives you limes, make micheladas! The word “michelada” is a Spanish portmanteau that combines “chela” (slang term for beer) with “ada” for “helada,” meaning cold, and “mi” for mine — basically “my cold beer”. I used to not be a fan of micheladas until I tried a michelada made with mix from Space City

  • Middie Back Amber Ale from Elder Son Brewery in the Heights

    Middie Back Amber Ale from Elder Son Brewery in the Heights

    In my personal opinion, I feel Houston has been lacking in American amber style beer options. What was once a booming style has been dwindled down to just a small handful of breweries offering a solid year round amble ale. I found what is definitely a contender for my favorite amber in Middie Back from Elder Son Brewing.

  • A taste of the tamarind sour at Turkey Forrest Brewing

    A taste of the tamarind sour at Turkey Forrest Brewing

    Agua frescas have long been a popular way to keep cool in the summers for many mexican american children and Turkey Forrest Brewing has taken that idea and made it into something that will bring you right back to childhood. Already in their line up of fresca beers include Northside Red a hibiscus (jamaica) sour, Issavibe

  • Yup! Dang ole good beer from Back Pew Brewing

    Yup! Dang ole good beer from Back Pew Brewing

    Nothing says Texas like King of the Hill and independent beer. I’m very fortunate to have what I believe is the best lager producing brewery in Houston so close to where I live. My wife Nicole and I have spent many days enjoying beers at Back Pew Brewing in Porter Texas. Out of all the

  • Houston Beer Month is here!  Wait, is this still a thing?

    Houston Beer Month is here! Wait, is this still a thing?

    Of course it is, you silly goose! Yeah….we just made it up. So what? Isn’t that how all great ideas are started anyways? In deemed craft beer cities across the nation, it’s common to see a week-long schedule of events and things to do around town.  These beer weeks are catered breweries hosting taproom events,

Houston Beer Guide

Please excuse our enthusiasm. We're not professional journalists, we're just passionate beer lovers. Our goal is to give Houston's beer community a voice. We hope you'll listen.


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